New York Flooring and Interior

Pros of Having Vinyl Flooring

The Major Pros Of Vinyl Flooring

What Is Vinyl Flooring?

Vinyl flooring is known for being resilient. This means that most vinyl flooring is water-resistant and very low maintenance, with long-lasting durability. If it has a wear layer, vinyl flooring will usually not stain and can survive plenty of wear and tear, which makes it a good option for any highly trafficked areas. Some brands manufacture 100% waterproof vinyl floors—excellent for bathrooms or mudrooms.


Compared to materials like hardwood or stone, vinyl flooring has a “softer” and more “padded” feeling underfoot, thanks to its layered composition. These layers also insulate and help the floor maintain a consistent temperature no matter the season. 

Affordable and easy installation

Vinyl is quite affordable and has an uncomplicated installation process that can be DIYed fairly easily.

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